No matter how small your enterprise may be, CCSI has the expertise to help you reach your goals and improve productivity.
When technology revolves around you the positive results are undeniable. We have more than 40 years of experience helping businesses gain a competitive advantage with the latest technologies.
Financial Services:
Security and compliance are the two greatest issues facing the Financial Services industry today. As both the number of threats and the number of regulations multiply like NYS DFS or 23 NYCRR 5500, financial companies need to adequately protect themselves to avoid the risks of network damage and regulatory violations.
Immediate attention should also be paid to the industry’s growing dependence on branch and remote offices, whose unique requirements pose a number of challenges, including provisioning and access control. Data and system consolidation continues to be prioritized as well, as enterprises struggle to achieve integrated, simplified IT environments.
CCSI is well positioned to tackle financial services challenges and help these organizations simplify and streamline their infrastructures. Our solutions allow companies to meet and exceed compliance standards, provision branch and remote offices, and consolidate data centers. With CCSI as a partner, financial services companies can concentrate on customers again, instead of computers