The ransomware industry is expected to hit $5 billion dollars over the next year and cybercriminals are evolving their techniques and developing new ransomware to grow their revenues. The economy of ransomware is increasing and cybercriminals are investing their earnings into infrastructure and their product. With increased focus by criminals to build their businesses and legitimate organizations struggling to defend against their attacks has led to the growth of ransomware.
Ransomware is unbiased and isn’t concerned with who they infect. We’ve seen ransomware attack across all industries and disrupt each one in kind. From hospitals having to turn away patients, to manufacturers halting production, to legal firms, schools and governments being shut down. Criminals don’t mind who they attack, as long as they pay.
Victim of Ransomware
Being a victim of ransomware decreases performance and limits the ability for an organization to function. Close to 70% of organizations have been infected and had to pay the criminals in order to recover their kidnapped data. Depending on the ransomware variant the average cost of an infection ranges from $1000 – $1400 dollars. Without the concerns of ransomware infecting your organization you’re able to keep your reputation intact, keep moral up, reduce downtime and protect your sensitive data from being disrupted.
With the CCSI “Ransomware Prevention Assessment” our engineers are able to review your organization’s current posture and determine gaps within your business to reduce the risks of being infected by ransomware. When developing this assessment we’ve reviewed the most common ransomware variants and how to develop a layered approach to defend against them.
Our assessment focuses on the following areas
to review your preparation for ransomware attacks:
Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual
In the last 5 years, cybercrime has gone pro. Instead of robbing a bank, why not get the bank to send you their funds without them even being the wiser? It is the Internet “Wild Wild West” right now in terms of cybercrime and it’s every user’s responsibility to be aware of the dangers and to take steps to protect yourself and your company’s assets.
Download this white paper and learn what you need to know to prepare and recover from a ransomware attack.
Layered Approach
There is no single layer or control that can be implemented which will completely protect you. Using a layered approach to fight against ransomware and going back-to-basics is the best method to use when defending against attack.