data security

Why Data Security Matters to Business Agencies

Everybody knows the phrase “Who possesses information – that possesses the world”. And whoever possesses information about competitors gets unprecedented advantages in the fight against them. Progress has made companies dependent on information systems, and at the same time – vulnerable to hacker attacks, computer viruses, human and state factors to such an extent that many business owners can no longer feel safe. The issue of information security is becoming dangerous for organizations, but the same progress offers solutions that can protect data from external attacks.

IoT Security

Podcast Episode 17: Current and Future Concerns of Securing IoT Devices

Why is my toaster talking to my accounting software? Are internal or outside devices causing DDoS or botnet attacks? Larry Bianculli discusses IoT device security, current and future concerns, with Matthew Pascucci and Joe Goldberg.

IT Business

How IT Plays A Role In Business Success

IT has long shaped major corporations and made them stronger in the marketplace. Yet if you listen to investors and accountants, they are often viewed as a department that is really one of the larger cost centers in any company.

The question then, is how can a company use IT in a way that allows it to add to the success of a business in a greater way than it costs overall? For most companies, the answer is to play some of your opportunity forward and make strategic choices that may provide competitive advantage regardless of the added expense.

future threats

Future of Cybersecurity Threats – Looking Ahead So We Can Prepare Now

There are two maxims essential to the understanding of security. First, no security system is 100% effective. Second, hackers are always preparing for future attacks, and you need to be ready, too.

Future-proofing cybersecurity is notoriously difficult because no one really knows what’s around the corner. However, many of the principles that will keep you safe in the future are already well known.

secure data

Keeping Customer Data Secure in the Cloud: 5 Things to Know

Cloud computing has drastically changed how people store and access data. For example, employees can access the information required to do their work from anywhere, even while on the road.

However, you’re probably keeping customer data in the cloud, too. If so, you have an additional obligation to protect that information. Here are five things to know when accomplishing that:

hybrid cloud

The Three Best Practices for Securing the Hybrid Cloud

When it comes to cloud infrastructure and implementation, the hybrid cloud option is one that many companies are beginning to latch on to. Overall the most notable element of this realm of security is that it combines the flexibility and customization of a private cloud with the availability of the public cloud. This approach tends to be significantly more cost-effective and offers a wide array of features.

tech 2020

Twenty Tech Trends for 2020

Over the last few years, the word “disruption” became one of the most common terms when talking about the tech industry. According to Google Trends, the use of this term has been steadily increasing during the last nine years, peaking in July 2019. Today, the new technology doesn’t just make our lives easier but changes our way of thinking. The tech industry itself transforms quickly, so it becomes especially important for brands, tech experts, and marketers to keep up with the latest trends.

healthcare cybersecurity frameworks

Cybersecurity Frameworks in Healthcare (And How to Adopt Them)

Just like any other industry, healthcare must be ready to handle cybersecurity threats.

What’s more, clinics and hospitals have to prove over and over again – the devices, technologies, and methods they use don’t bring any risk to patients. 

To do that, healthcare institutions start compiling their security with recognized standards and frameworks like NIST or HITRUST. 

But what exactly is a security framework? Which one should you use? What’s the right way to implement it?