Long-term Cloud Cost Management

Cloud cost management was the top cloud initiative for 2017, and yet enterprises are often unaware that they are wasting 30-45 percent of their cloud spend. Because control of cloud accounts is decentralized, many companies are challenged to pinpoint where waste is occurring and how to eliminate it on an ongoing basis. Companies who start with a focus on managing their cloud cost will often benefit from having a great baseline from which they can define their own unique road map and playbook for implementing cloud governance policies. This is where CCSI’s Cost Containment service can bring cost control and long-term cloud cost management to your business

There are many different factors that drive the total cost of ownership (TCO) of your cloud. It’s critical to analyze and optimize each: speed, agility, flexibility, resource availability, risk management, etc. By optimizing cost, you lay the groundwork for a successful cloud deployment that will accelerate your business, not inhibit it.

Cost Containment
Download the Cost Containment Brochure

CCSI Cost Containment as a Service(CCaaS) enables you to break down cloud costs, allocate to business groups across the organization, validate the charges, and then forecast monthly spend. CCSI CCaaS can define cloud operating budgets by business perspectives, notify key stakeholders when they are at risk of exceeding their budgets, and charge back or allocate costs to business groups. CCSI CCaaS, managing your cloud account and budget together.

Cost Containment Service Benefits:

  • Optimize Available Financial Resources
  • Manage Cloud Accounts
  • Monthly or Quarterly Reports
  • Eliminate Waste

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