Artificial intelligence has helped the medical field and car industry immensely in the past couple of years. Now, artificial intelligence is being used to help fight against cyber attacks. Along with the growing advancements of technology, there are increasing cyber threats. Cyber security is becoming more and more of an issue every day. Several organizations, from technology companies to social media websites, have been working to stop cyber attacks.With the help of artificial intelligence, organizations can fight back using more than just commercial security systems.
By incorporating artificial intelligence within security systems, individuals and machines can learn from the data collected and use it to their advantage. As cyber security programs continue to develop, artificial intelligence is being woven with machine-learning and Analyst Intuition platforms. These platforms have promising prospects as they are being combined with artificial intelligence and cyber security technology in attempts to prevent hackers from gaining private data and information.
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence used mainly to prevent cyber attacks. It is a method of data analysis that uses the application of artificial technology to do so. It allows machines to learn without being explicitly programmed. It focuses on developing computer programs that have the ability to change when exposed to new data. Through the incorporation of algorithms that learn from data, machine learning allows computers to find hidden figures without being specifically programmed where to look.
This means big news for cyber security. As cyber threats evolve with the industry and adjust to get around overprotective mechanisms, security professionals have to focus on the more severe risks first. Artificial intelligence is the key to allowing cyber security systems to carry out human-like tasks and provide first-hand protection.The industry is quickly evolving and with the addition of artificial intelligence, machine-learning can be a step in the right direction towards improved cyber security.
The Automation Wave is an age that marks the progression of technology towards software that has the abilities to identify and remediate incidents. This progression influenced security professionals to look into more pressing issues such as identifying and managing insider threats, device policy and management. With this in mind, a new type of artificial intelligence was developed called AI-Squared.
A rising platform for artificial intelligence technology, AI-Squared is the brainchild of collaborative efforts between MIT and start-up PatternEx. The AI-Squared platform combines Artificial Intelligence and Analyst Intuition. As Hackers continue to attack businesses across the country, AI-Squared offers defense against these threats by analyzing a large amount of data generated by users in search of odd or abnormal activity. The goal of a hacker is often to extract data and sell it to the highest-bidder. As hackers attack, business owners have found that the differentiation between a hacker and an actual user has become harder to spot. That is until the development of AI-Squared.
AI-Squared analyzes large amounts of data and uses a recurrent neural network and machine learning techniques (also known as unsupervised learning) to find anomalies. Once something abnormal is found, a human analyst is then alerted to confirm whether the activity is a hacker or a genuine user. After the intent of the activity is decided, artificial intelligence takes this findings and puts them into the equation for future reference. This security process is called supervised learning.
AI-Squared has created an opportunity that allows cybersecurity experts to rely on machines to alert and protect their company from potential threats. Although AI-Squared currently needs a human analyst to input the information into the machine, it is well on it’s way to being able to function fully on its own.
In the past, it was more difficult for hackers to execute cyber attacks. However, it’s easier now more than ever for hackers to access even the most secure data from the comfort of their couch. Artificial intelligence is the best path towards creating platforms that have the ability to detect potential cyber threats. While traditional, commercial security systems can alert organizations of unusual cyber behaviors, these systems can’t differentiate between a user and a hacker. The incorporation of artificial intelligence through machine learning and AI-Squared works to do just that. With the help of a human analyst, these platforms learn from each breach and are better prepared for the next thre. These platforms are not only extremely useful now, but they also have the potential to determine if future threats are real or not without the assistance of a person.
Author Bio:
Rick Delgado is a freelancer tech writer and commentator. He enjoys writing about new technologies and trends, and how they can help us. Rick occasionally writes for several tech companies and industry publications.